Arista DCS-7280QR-C72-M# 72x40GbE QSFP + with 16x100GbE QSFP Switch Expn Mem, SSD, Configurable Fans and PSU

*Harga Hubungi Kami

  • Arista 7280R
  • 72x40GbE QSFP + with 16x100GbE QSFP switch
  • expn mem
  • SSD
  • configurable fans and psu
SKU: DCS-7280QR-C72-M# Kategori: , , Tag: ,
Model 7280QR-C72
Ports (56x QSFP+ and
Max 100GbE Ports 16 x QSFP100)
Max 50GbE Ports 16
Max 40GbE Ports 32
Max 25GbE Ports 72
Max 10GbE Ports 64
Throughput (fd) 160
Packets/Second 6.4 Tbps
Latency 2.88 Bpps
CPU From 3.8 us
System Memory Multi-core x86
Packet Buffer Memory 8 GB (16 GB optional)
USB Ports 16 GB
Flash Storage Memory 1
Rack Units Yes
Size (WxHxD) 2 U
Typical/Max Power Draw 1 19 x 3.5 x 22.2”
Weight (48.3 x 8.9 x 56.3cm)
NEBS 696W / 1200W
Fan Tray 47.3lbs (21.5kg)
Power Supplies Yes
AlgoMatch FAN-7002H-F/R
Accelerated sFlow 1900W AC 1900W DC
EOS Feature Licenses No
Minimum EOS No

Arista DCS-7280QR-C72-M# Data Sheet